Stroke rehabilitation consists of several different approaches, such as positioning, mobility, strengthening exercises, speech and swallow therapy that mostly starts in acute stroke unit where patients initially admits.
A comprehensive rehabilitation program that begins during or immediately after a stroke survivor leaves the hospital can help to maximize recovery. In most cases, stroke survivors can regain a substantial portion of the functions lost because of the stroke.
Why is Stroke Rehabilitation Important?
After a stroke, most people experience some degree of healing of the brain, which results in improvement of the symptoms. But most people continue to experience some neurological deficits after a stroke such as difficulty in balancing their body. Other issues include weakening of body muscles because of not using them which makes it difficult to perform daily life activities.
Stroke rehabilitation organized exercise plan that can help overcoming all these issues. Some of the rehabilitation goals include:
• Bringing back strength to arms and legs to move normally or partially normal.
• Helping control urinary muscles.
• Learning how to eat, swallow your food and drink safely.
• Improving communication as stroke also effects the language areas of the brain making it difficult to communicate.
Treatments We Offer:
Our comprehensive services for stroke rehabilitation and other neurological conditions includes:
• Physical therapy
• Speech therapy
• Occupational therapy
• Behavioral therapy
• Orthotics
• Home Health Services
Some of the common conditions we treat are head Injury, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, polyneuropathies i.e. Guillain-Barre syndrome etc.
How We Can Help You?
Stroke rehabilitation is a race against time. Choosing the right place for care and starting therapy as soon as possible impacts recovery of both brain and body. Regardless of the type of stroke (e.g., ischemic, hemorrhagic), our focus is on helping you to regain the lost abilities.
RMI Physical Therapy department offers intensive targeted Rehabilitation programs for clients within the inpatient and outpatient setting.
The needs of stroke survivors are unique. From offering best-in-class inpatient care in our Acute stroke unit to our state-of-the-art facility outpatient department offers the greatest chance for stroke recovery.
What Advance Technologies We Offer for Stroke Rehabilitation?
1. Unweighing System / Harness
The un-weighing system enables partial weight bearing therapy to be conducted with the assurance of patient comfort and safety and with convenient access to the patient for manual assistance and observation. Unweighing system is ideal to start early mobility and gait training for patients after stroke.
2. Biodex Balance System
Using this unique device, Physical therapist can assess neuromuscular control by quantifying the ability to maintain dynamic bilateral and unilateral postural stability on a static or unstable surface. The balancing system is ideal for screening the risk of fall, conditioning and balance training for patients after stroke.
3. Virtual Reality
Virtual reality has emerged as a new approach to treatment in stroke rehabilitation settings over the last ten years. By simulating real-life activities, stroke patients can work on self-care skills in a setting that is usually impossible to create in a hospital environment.
Rehman medical Institute is trying to make latest technologies available, which will enhance stroke recovery and soon will be available for our clients in department.