Pain Management

Pain Management

Everyone experiences pain at some time in their lives. Acute pain can be due to injury, illness, or surgical procedures. This pain often resolves as the body’s natural processes lead to healing.

However, at times pain does not resolve and instead becomes a constant part of daily life. This chronic pain regardless of its source, can lead to decreased daily function causing both physical and psychological distress.

RMI Pain Management Services can help you manage chronic pains by regular physical therapy helping you cope with it and manage daily life tasks easily.


What Conditions We Treat?

•  Joint pain i.e. Back pain, Neck pain and Shoulder pain etc.
•  Arthritis
•  Cervicogenic Headaches
•  Myofacial pain syndrome
•  Temporomandibular (jaw) joint dysfunction
•  Complex regional pain syndrome
•  Neuropathic pain
•  Post-surgical pain
•  Fibromyalgia
•  Polyarthralgia


How We Help?

RMI Physical Therapy Department mission for Pain Management Services is to maximize function and minimize risk for patients with pain, while minimizing the use of medications and invasive procedures through a Multimodality treatment approach including:

•  Patient education
•  Posture, and relaxation techniques
•  Manual therapies
•  Heat/ice packs
•  Electrical stimulation, including TENS units
•  Ultrasound
•  Dry needling
•  Examples of active physical therapy include:
•  Movement based activities, including stretching and range of motion exercises
•  Specific strengthening exercises
•  Pain relief exercises
•  Low-impact aerobic conditioning


What Advance Modalities We Have?

•  Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
•  Electric muscles stimulators
•  Interferential current
•  Thermotherapy
•  Cryotherapy
•  Therapeutic Ultrasound
•  Laser therapy
•  Shortwave diathermy
•  Mechanical lumbar & cervical traction
•  Points to Consider About Physical Therapy & Pain

An important aspect to keep in mind about physical therapy and pain relief is that each individual may respond differently to therapy. People have different types of bodies, different patterns of movement, and different habits. Physical therapists and our trained staff can evaluate each individual and try to correct improper habits and movement patterns.