CNS Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis, which mainly affects the lungs when contacted through air. But if not treated timely the bacteria can travel to other tissues through blood and affect those tissues.

The Tb bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis if travels to the Central Nervous System (CNS) i.e. the spinal cord, brain and their protective layer called meninges, it causes CNS tuberculosis. The disease begins with the development of small tuberculous foci (Rich foci) in the brain, spinal cord, or meninges. The location of these foci and the capacity to control them ultimately determine which form of CNS tuberculosis occurs.



•  Fever
•  Stiff neck 
•  Seizures
•  Nausea and vomiting


Risk Factors:

A person is at more risk of CNS Tb if they already suffer from:

•  Weak Immune system
•  Excessive alcohol use
•  Diabetes Mellitus



First the doctor will perform physical examination and if they observe the symptoms of CNS Tb they will recommend other tests to be performed, which include:

•  Biopsy of the meninges
•  Blood culture
•  Chest X-ray
•  CT Scan of the head
•  Skin test for tuberculosis (PPD skin test)



Because of the infection, some complications may also arise which can be life-threatening, such as:

•  Seizures
•  Hearing loss
•  Increased pressure in the brain
•  Brain damage
•  Stroke



Doctor may recommend different types of drugs for the infection. They may also prescribe systemic steroids. the time period of treatment will depend on the severity of infection.