Liver Diseases and Treatment

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 Liver Cancer Deaths in Pakistan reached 4,660 or 0.38% of total deaths which leads Pakistan to rank 131 in the world.

Liver Diseases and Treatment
09 May 2022

Rehman Medical Institute conducts AskRMI LIVE every week to create awareness of different diseases. This week the topic was liver diseases and treatment. Dr. Shafiq Ahmad Chughtai was invited as a guest speaker, who recently joined RMI as a Consultant Liver Transplant Surgery. He has extensive expertise in this field and more than 11 years of experience. Before joining RMI, he was working as a Consultant Surgeon in the UK.


Liver Diseases

Your liver is an important organ that is responsible for multiple functions such as metabolism, energy storage, and waste filtering. It supports the digestion of food, the alteration of food into energy, and the storage of energy until required. It also aids in the removal of contaminants from your blood. The term "liver disease" refers to any ailment that affects your liver. These diseases can arise from a variety of causes, but they all have the potential to harm your liver and disturbs its function.


Hepatitis C

As per Dr. Shafiq, Hepatitis C is the major cause of liver disease in Pakistan. More than 11 million people suffered from hepatitis according to a study conducted in 2017. Due to its growing number, Pakistan ranks 2nd worldwide. Other factors include infections, hereditary disorders, obesity, and alcohol abuse that can lead to liver diseases.



Symptoms of liver diseases 

Liver illness can cause scarring and more serious problems over time. Early treatment can assist in the healing of the damage and the prevention of liver failure. Initial symptoms include pale eyes and skin also known as Jaundice, in advanced stage general fatigue in the body, storage of water in stomach, and blood vomit.


How many people have liver problems in Pakistan? 

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 Liver Cancer Deaths in Pakistan reached 4,660 or 0.38% of total deaths which leads Pakistan to rank 131 in the world. Furthermore, Liver Disease Deaths in Pakistan reached 31,780 or 2.56% of total deaths and ranks Pakistan 60th in the world among liver diseases affected countries.


Which treatment is the best for liver disease?

According to Dr. Shafiq Chughtai, treatment varies depending upon the sort of liver disease you have and how far it has progressed. Treatment options include:

  • Medications: Some types of liver disease are treated with medicine by doctors. You may be prescribed medication to treat viral infections such as hepatitis or genetic diseases.
  • Changes in your lifestyle can help you manage certain types of liver disease. Avoiding alcohol, restricting fat and calories, and boosting fiber consumption can all assist if you have fatty liver disease. Abstinence from alcohol can help with alcohol-related liver damage.
  • In the advanced stage liver disease progress to liver failure, and a liver transplant is required. The best treatment option may be a liver transplant. A part of the healthy liver is transplanted into the diseased person.


How to prevent it?

Some types of liver diseases, particularly those caused by your diet and lifestyle, can be prevented. If you are at risk of liver disease, your doctor may advise you to make the following lifestyle changes:

  • Keeping alcohol to a minimum or avoiding it entirely.
  • Trans fats and high-fructose corn syrup-containing foods and beverages should be avoided.
  • Carefully manage your prescription and over-the-counter medicine use, as Tylenol is a common cause of liver injury.
  • Exercise on a regular basis and by limiting red meat consumption.
  • By practicing safe sex and not sharing needles, you can reduce your chances of developing viral hepatitis.


RMI Liver Treatment Services

RMI HPB and liver transplant department offer diagnostic and treatment of diseases related to liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, and pancreas. Liver treatment includes liver tumors, liver cyst, primary liver cancer which develops mostly within liver, secondary liver cancer which spread to the liver from the colon, breast, ovaries, and liver transplantation. gallbladder and bile ducts treatment includes gallstone diseases, bile duct stones, gallbladder and bile cancer and biliary cystic lesions. Lastly, pancreas treatment includes pancreas cancer and pancreatitis.