How to Prevent Bleeding Gums

How to Prevent Bleeding Gums
03 September 2021


Bleeding gums are often considered normal and ignored however if happening frequently, this may indicate serious underlying problems. Bleeding from gums commonly occurs due to plaque build-up that encourages bacteria to grow along the gum line, leading to sensitivity and bleeding. Other factors that contribute to bleeding gums are brushing or flossing vigorously, pregnancy, consuming blood thinners, injury and inflammation. Once the leading cause of the bleeding is identified, it is easy to treat accordingly. The experts at RMI have narrowed down tips for preventing and treating bleeding gums at home however, if the bleeding and swelling are persistent, it is recommended to visit RCD for a thorough oral check-up.

Preventing Bleeding Gums

1. Improve oral hygiene

The first and foremost method to prevent gum diseases and bleeding is to improve your oral hygiene practices. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing and using mouthwash or diluted hydrogen peroxide. Using the right toothbrush also plays a critical role in maintaining good oral health. Under any circumstances, do not use toothbrushes that are either too harsh or frayed. Instead, opt for brushes labelled “soft” if you feel your toothbrush is causing bleeding gums.


2. Quit smoking

Smoking harms the body in different ways and compromises a human’s immunity as well. A poor immune system is incapable of fighting off bacteria that are present around the gum lining. Therefore, once the gums are damaged, smoking will slow the healing process.


3. Use mouthwash 

Using mouth wash can be beneficial for improving overall gum health. Mouthwashes are formulated to kill bacteria and soothe inflammation within the oral cavity. Our experts recommend using mouthwash instantly when gum bleeding occurs.


4. Rinse mouth with saline water

Saltwater is an old remedy used to get rid of bacteria and helping speed up the healing process. Swishing warm salt water in your mouth and spitting it cleanses any oral injury or inflammation.


5. Apply cold compress or ice

Ice packs and cold compresses are popular remedies used to stop oral bleeding. It also reduces inflammation and soothes the area affected by gingivitis or other oral injuries. However, if the bleeding doesn’t stop, consider visiting your dentist as soon as possible.


6. Avoid unnecessary carbohydrates

A healthy diet plays a vital role in improving oral hygiene. For example, eating too many carbohydrates may frequently cause gum diseases as starchy food tends to stick to teeth and gums, leading to gum bleeding and decay. On the other hand, taking dairy foods with high calcium content or crunchy vegetables such as carrots can improve your oral health and reduce the chances of plaque build-up.

If your bleeding persists despite following these mentioned prevention tips, we recommend visiting our experts at RCD for a comprehensive check-up and diagnosis.